08 Dezember 2015 |
in news

Nun offiziell: Paul Wandtke neuer Drummer!

Liebe Trivium Fans,
es gibt einen erneuten Wechsel am Schlagzeug. In den letzten Tagen gab es bereits viele Gerüchte, jedoch noch kein offizielles Statement. Das hat sich heute geändert. 
Mat Madiro muß die Band verlassen, neuer Mann am Schlagzeug ist Paul Wandtke!
Hier das Statement der Band im O-Ton:


We are writing this to let you all know that Trivium has amicably parted ways with Mat Madiro as our drummer.
Mat stepped up for us at a dire moment where it was either leave a tour, or carry on. With Mat, we will forever be eternally grateful of everything he helped us out with. Mat’s time filling in for us was much appreciated.
Creatively though, we felt at this time we needed to make a change. And every change, every difficult decision and every evolution that Trivium has either decided, or been forced to make has been for the necessary for us to continue on as a functioning band. The things that go on behind the scenes that directly involve the Trivium members aren't always apparent from an outside fan’s perspective.
With that said our new drummer is Paul Wandtke from Chicago,IL. With Paul, we took our careful time deciding exactly what had to happen and how.
We spent our time checking out, trying out and feeling out many drummers this time around. After much deliberation, Paolo said to Matt one day "you should hit up John Petrucci and see if he has an ideas." We figured our friend John may have some ideas from the Berklee-world.
John brought Mike Mangini into the conversation and within minutes of describing our conundrum to Mike, he had a name: Paul Wandkte. Paul studied under Mike at Berklee, and obviously made an impression on a man we consider to be one of the greatest drummers on the planet.
Paul made his debut with us in thunderous fashion this past weekend by playing to 40,000 fans at Knotfest Mexico. And he nailed it. We hope to work with Paul for a long time and we hope the Trivium fans around the world welcome him with open arms.
Says Paul, "I was blown away when Trivium had contacted me. I have been looking for a place to call home all my life, a home of brothers with similar tastes in music, musicianship and goals. I'd like to thank Dream Theater's Mike Mangini for getting us in contact. I couldn't be happier, this is literally life changing. Never give up, be yourself and rock on."

We are writing this to let you all know that Trivium has amicably parted ways with Mat Madiro as our drummer.

Mat stepped up for us at a dire moment where it was either leave a tour, or carry on. With Mat, we will forever be eternally

grateful of everything he helped us out with. Mat’s time filling in for us was much appreciated. Creatively though,

we felt at this time we needed to make a change. And every change, every difficult decision and every evolution that

Trivium has either decided, or been forced to make has been for the necessary for us to continue on as a functioning band.


The things that go on behind the scenes that directly involve the Trivium members aren't always apparent from an

outside fan’s perspective. With that said our new drummer is Paul Wandtke from Chicago,IL. With Paul, we took our

careful time deciding exactly what had to happen and how. We spent our time checking out, trying out and feeling out

many drummers this time around.

After much deliberation, Paolo said to Matt one day "you should hit up John Petrucci and see if he has an ideas."

We figured our friend John may have some ideas from the Berklee-world.John brought Mike Mangini into the conversation

and within minutes of describing our conundrum to Mike, he had a name: Paul Wandkte.

Paul studied under Mike at Berklee, and obviously made an impression on a man we consider to be one of the greatest

drummers on the planet.Paul made his debut with us in thunderous fashion this past weekend by playing to 40,000 fans at Knotfest Mexico.

And he nailed it. We hope to work with Paul for a long time and we hope the Trivium fans around the world welcome him with open arms.

Says Paul, "I was blown away when Trivium had contacted me. I have been looking for a place to call home all my life, a

home of brothers with similar tastes in music, musicianship and goals. I'd like to thank Dream Theater's Mike Mangini for

getting us in contact. I couldn't be happier, this is literally life changing. Never give up, be yourself and rock on."

Quelle: Trivium Facebook


Wer näheres über Paul erfahren möchte, kann ja mal auf seiner Homepage vorbeischauen. HIER geht es ausserdem zu seiner Facebookseite. Zudem gibt es bereits einen Bericht von Blabbermouth.net.
Den ersten Auftritt mit der Band hat er auch schon absolviert. Die Show beim Knotfest in Mexiko war sein Einstand.
Dazu ein Fanvideo: 


Trivium Germany heißt Paul herzlich willkommen! Gleichzeitig wünschen wir uns für Mat Madiro, das er eine neue Band findet und bald wieder auf der Bühne zu sehen sein wird! 



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