25 Juni 2016 |
in news

Trivium Orlando Shirt im Webstore

Trivium haben nach dem furchtbaren Amoklauf in einem Szeneclub in Orlando ein spezielles T-Shirt rausgebracht. "All The Hate In This World Can't Tear Us Apart" heisst die Message der Shirts, dessen Verkaufserlöse an OneOrlando gehen. Dazu ein Statement der Band:


"As you've seen, our hometown of Orlando has recently been the victim of a horrendous act, taking the lives of many of our own.

To honor the victims and contribute to our community, we decided to create a t-shirt that we feel describes our feelings and our heartfelt call for unity and action in this world. We will donate the proceeds to OneOrlando - a charity directly involved with helping our community heal.

Learn more about their mission at oneorlando.org. You can also text ORLANDO to 501501 to make a direct $10 donation to OneOrlando."


Schaut einfach mal im offiziellen Webstore vorbei. 

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